Hajj FAQ'S



If any person has the intention of staying in Makkah for 15 days or more excluding his stay in Mina, Arafat and Muzdhalifa then he won’t do Qasr otherwise he has to do Qasr if he is staying in Makkah for less than 15 days.

Firstly, Tawaf Ziyara cannot be done before the tenth, under any reason or justification. In the event of extreme rush, it can be delayed after the tenth.

Firstly, we wish that Allah makes your trip a blessed one and accept your prayers and worship, Ameen.

Men have two options as they perform Hajj or Umrah; either they can shave their head (which is called Halq) or they can trim their hair (which is called Qasr). The Prophet prayed for those who shaved their head and those who trim it, so both are permissible (Sunan Tirmidhi, Book of Hajj, Hadith No. 837).

It is better to perform Qasr each and every time, and then shave it the last time you perform the Umrah. Do not symbolically snip a few hairs from each side as Qasr. Instead, perform the Qasr at a barber and ensure he does cut an equal amount all over the head.

When a person performs Hajj or Umrah, there are certain ports outside Makkah from where the person must ensure he or she is in a state of Ihram. These ports are called Miqaat, precisely. The following are the names and locations of the Mawaaqits:

  • Zul-Hulaifah; this is for those coming from the direction of Madinah Sharif.
  • Yalamlam; this is for those coming from the direction of Yemen, India and Pakistan.
  • Juhfah; this is for those coming from the direction of Egypt, North Africa and Europe.
  • Qaran ul-Manazil; this is for those coming from the direction of Najd.
  • Zaat Irq; this is for those coming from the direction of Iraq.

As you rightly pointed out, The people already in Makkah, go to the outskirts of Makkah to Masjid Aisha where they wear the Ihram.

If the children have definitely reached the age of puberty and they perform the Hajj under the guardianship of their parents, then this will count as the compulsory Hajj. When the children are older, they are encouraged to visit the House of Allah again and again, but they will not be doing so with the intention of fulfilling the obligation of Hajj; that has already been done.

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